
The Redacie takes care of the construction and distribution of the “Nog Steeds” and the alternative study guides.

The “Nog Steeds” is a reference to the facultary magazine “ALWeer”. The distribution of this magazine stopped, so GeoVUsie took this upon itself to create its own magazine. The Nog Steeds appears 5-6 times per year and contains information on activities over the past time. Since 2011 the addition to the “Nog Steeds” called “Opeens” was introduced. This addition is oftenly about a specific activity and is only published ocassionally.

The alternative study guides contain tips and tricks about the Faculty and GeoVUsie itself as well as about first year courses and their programme. The guide is written from the viewpoint of students and is less formal than the guide brought by the faculty. The guide ensures a good start for first years students.

The guide on the Spain fieldwork is another bookwork produced by the Redacie. This guide contains useful, less useful, fun, but above all good tips for the first years fieldwork in Spain. In other words: ‘What is like to participate in such a long fieldwork? How do you get there? How do you get an accommodation? What do you take with you? What can you do in the villages? Etc. etc.’ With the Spain guide we hope to make the first year’s fieldwork as easy and fun as possible.

The committee itself doesn’t exist that long yet. Until march 2010 the Daily Board was responsible for the Nog Steeds, but on march the 2nd during a congress the Redacie was called to life. The committee is renounced for its sneaky way of approaching GeoVUsie members to write a piece for the Nog Steeds. It happened to many of the members that the committee approached them to write a piece about an activity that happened not too long ago, while attending the social drink. In a moment of weakness they coincide. The day after they remind you of your promise, the nagging, depending on how long you take to make the piece, will continue for a very long time. Do you want to know more? Send an E-mail to

Current committee


Chairman Tim Schipper
Vice-chairman Brecht Reintsema
Secret Sjanne Schoone
Ary Milou Bussing
Committee member Jules Kerstens
Committee member Jelle Moerman

Old committees


Chairman Jasper Arendse
Vice-chairman Niek van der Hoek
Secretary Femke van Haaster
Committee member Lieke van der Meij
Committee member Sjanne Schoone
Committee member Tim Schipper


Chairman Marjolein Daeter
Vice-chairman Niek van der Hoek
Secretary Lieke van der Meij
Committee member Kiki du Pau
Committee member Jasper Arendse
Committee member Femke van Haaster


Chair Jelle Stam
man Kiki du Pau
Secretary Lieke van der Meij
Dirty-Vice Bobbie Fabels
Dirty-chair Jasper Arendse
Dirty-man Jelle Moerman


Chairman Leonie Hemelrijk
Vice-chairman Paul Snijder
Secretary Anne Pronk
Committee member Kiki du Pau
Committee member Jelle Stam
Committee member Eva Engelchor


Chairman Iris van der Werf
Secretary Marc Heemskerk
Committee member Niek van der Hoek
Committee member Emma Knecht
Committee member Gijs Langeveld
Committee member Coen van Eijbergen

Coen van Eijbergen replaced Marjolein van Ederen from september


Chairman Maarten Sol
Vice-chairman Coen van Eijbergen
Secretary Guido de Zeeuw
Committee member Jeffry van Mansom
Committee member Marc Heemskerk
Committee member Rosa Rijsdijk


Chairman Evalien van der Valk
Vice-chairman Vincent Schinkel
Secretary Maarten Sol
Committee member Guido de Zeeuw
Committee member Iris van der Werf
Committee member Martijn Reijners


Chief editor Jonathan Kranenburg
Committee member Evalien van der Valk
Committee member Jelle Arendsen
Committee member Fons Vermeulen
Committee member Vincent Schinkel
Committee member Max Holthuis


Chairman Reinier Van ‘t Veer
Secretary Anne Pronk
Committee member Willemijn van Leeuwen
Committee member Maarten van Diepen
Committee member Hilde Pracht
Committee member Gaby Grundemann


Committee member Evy Kalker
Committee member Suzanne Hessels
Committee member Bram Wassenaar
Committee member Leonie Kiewiet
Committee member Jens de Bruijn
Committee member Gianni Jesterhoudt


Committee member Alexander Kok
Committee member Nanne Tolsma
Committee member Thomas Oudega
Committee member Kevin Buijs
Committee member Carlette Blok


Committee member Bertram Uunk
Committee member Karel van Hussen
Committee member Merijn Bas
Committee member Tesse Bijleveld
Committee member Hilbert Weemstra


Committee member Alexander Kok
Committee member Thomas Klootwijk
Committee member Valerie van der Meij
Committee member Koen Eggen
Committee member Mathieu Steijn

Mathieu left the Redacie after summer recess.
