
The ‘Vinger In de Pap’-committee of GeoVUsie holds members that have earned their fame within the association by have taken part in committees or the Daily Board. Due to these experiences they are the ideal persons to advise committees and the Daily Board. It’s in their nature that this advice is sooner unasked than asked for. The advises coming from the VIPpers are always sincere and in the best interest of the association. Members of the VIP-committee are fourth year students or higher, something that gives the title Old Fart a new dimension. Despite the fact that the VIP-committee has not been around since the beginning of GeoVUsie, it is the only committee clearly described in the Statutes:

The Vinger In the Pap-committee (VIP-committee) is open to members of the association that have been a member within committees or the Daily Board for at least two years. During the year assemblage members can be appointed by the VIP-committee; their appointment is approved by the year assemblage with a two-third majority. The VIP always appoints people with three years of committee-experience in at least two association-years. The same goes for people that have been in one committee and have done one year in the Daily Board. For people with two years of committee-experience, an exception can be made.

A piece of history

On the 23rd of October 1986, GeoVUsie-member and three times ex-secretary of the Daily Board Dick Edelman suggested on a Board meeting that there should be an “Oldfartcommittee”. He motivated his proposal by saying that the members that have contributed a great deal to the growth of the still young association should be kept active. The “Oldfartcommittee” had to be a binding element as well as being an advisory organ. “Experience should not be lost after all.”

The sitting board promised to seriously look into the made proposal. Of course the “Oldfartcommittee” did not come to be.

On the ALV on the 19th of December 1986 it became apparent that the quota necessary to appoint somebody to Honorary member was not present. This caused a proposal to create some sort of in-between station, where members are stationed that are not yet graduated and have proved themselves to be very active within the association. The requirements to become a member of this committee are stated as follows: one needs to be at least a fourth year student and has to have been active in a committee or the Daily Board for at least two association-years. After the proposal of the to-be-named committee “GeoVIPsie”, the voting was: 26 votes in favour, 7 against, 4 withdrawals. The first ‘GeoVIPpers’ were, amongst others: Han Grobbe, Maarten van der Sande and (of course) Dick Edelman.

In 1988 the GeoVIPsie is encouraged by president of the Daily Board, Michel Meeuwsen, to appoint a president for the GeoVIPsie. Maarten van der Sande reacted by saying that “Old farts don’t need a leader”. After that Maarten was often approached to speak on behalf of the GeoVIPsie, something he did until 1990. Only until 1991 the word VIP-eldest came into use, the first one to perform this task was Ron Kaandorp. This happened to be because VIP-meetings were invariably held at his house, this due to the fact he had the biggest house at his disposal. From this time the start time 20.37 for the meeting was created. Although the committee worked as one, and still works as one, a tradition was born and in the years after the following VIP-eldest were appointed: Ron Kaandorp (1991 and 1992), Rikkert Moeys (1993), Matthijs Zaal (1993 and 1994), Olaf Duizendstra (1995 en 1996), Malika Gronloh (1997), Annemieke van der Klis (1998), Michiel Bontenbal (1999 And 2000), Aard-Jan Wullink (2000-2002), Sybrand van Beyma and Willeke Smit (2002-2003), Bart de Vries (2004-2006), Judith van Hagen (2006-2008) en Marten ter Borgh (2006-2009), Guido Beenakker and Marcel van Helden (2009-2010), Bertram Uunk and Martine van der Linde (2011-2012), Alexander Kok (2013) and Gianni Jesterhoudt (2013-2014), Bram Wassenaar and Hannes Groot (2014-2015), Ellen Schulten and Lennart Querelle (2015-2016), Lisa Hageman (2017), Teun Beemster (2018), Jelle Arendse (2018-2019), Jesper Volmer (2018-2019), Jeffry van Mansom (2019-2021), Rosa Rijsdijk (2020-2022), Lieke van der Meij (2021-2022), Julian Boonstra (2022-2023) and Niels Poelwijk (2022-2023). The current VIP-eldest are Lieuwe de Haan and Tim Schipper. The GeoVIPsie has been renamed to ViP-committee (with a lower case i), where after the Statutes-change in 1993 it became VIP-committee.

The tasks

The VIP-committee has as its goal to be the binding element between the “old” active GeoVUsie members. It also tries to keep the “Old farts” actively participated within the association. Because of the richness in experience kept within the VIP-committee, the committee often functions as an advisory organ for committees and the Daily Board. Through the years, giving unasked advise has been added to the VIP’s self being. The VIP-committee has often used the phenomena “VIP-citation” (from 1996 onwards with high regularity), where the VIP-eldest visit a meeting of a committee or the daily board.

During the summer, when the GeoVUsie-youngsters are on fieldwork, the “Old farts” are busy hanging around the VU, organising the Donderdorst, of course in cooperation with the Daily Board and/or (old) Festivities committee members.

The activities

Like any other committee the VIP-committee also organises some activities. To start with the eleven-pubs-crawl. This hellish journey, that was held for the first time in 1987, always takes place in March, after the Rayonheads and Foammasters have decide the foam is good enough. In 2016 the eleven-pubs-crawl had been organised for the thirtieth time.

The eleven-pub-crawl has grown to be an activity that knows no boundaries. The Crawl takes place in a different part of Amsterdam every year. In 2015 it was the Schinkel neighbourhood, 2016 the Pijp and in 2017 in East. Remarkable is the fact that there also is a pulling factor for higher-years students for the Crawl. For example the participation of Ronnie Lassche, Erik Koomen en Philip Verhagen, they participated for the twelfth time in 1998. Hear, hear! To be the winning player you have to have extraordinary tactical insight, but most of all you have to be incredibly persistent. Some characteristics that lean towards corruption are also heavily rewarded.

Another activity has to do with keeping contact with already graduated ‘VIPpers’. Since 1996 the annual so-called VIP-4-live-night is organised, all the VIP-members from all times are invited for this event. For the participants a night out in the city is planned. Here one can drink and eat at will. The goal of the activity is to keep the GeoVUsie-feeling alive amongst the graduated people. A new tradition is VIP-Nicked, where one enjoys the better things in live while camping for a weekend. Do you want to know more? Send an E-mail to


Leonie Hemelrijk Martijn Reijners
Kiki du Pau Rosa Rijsdijk
David van Diepen Caroline Goossens
Tom Hoogeboom Jeffry van Mansom
Daniël Sonneveld Marc Heemskerk
Vera Hoogland Niek van der Hoek
Edwin Kruitbosch Jaap Jorritsma
Thijmen van der Wielen Rodney del Rosario
Femke van Zanten Lieke van der Meij
Jelle Stam Abe Ferwerda
Tycho Kersten Tim Schipper
Quinty Boosten Lieuwe de Haan
Tom Limburg Bart Hijne
Julian Boonstra Casper Schutte
Vincent Schriever Marijn Tromp
Gijs Langeveld Niels Poelwijk
Charlotte Kaijzer Donna Dieperink
Laurens Tromp Anneloes Teunisse
Denise Kluft Eva Engelchor
Femke van Haaster Marjolein van Oorschot
Bente Schriever Jasper Arendse
Bente Janssens Bram Huis
Brecht Reintsema Devin Sassen
Jelle Moerman Jetske de Jong
Jur van Gestel Lucas Westerhof
Marit Jeijsman Naniek Scherpenzeel
Reggie Karssiens Sjoerd Orru
Thomas van den Bosch  


Hans van Alebeek (1991) Bernd Andeweg (1991)
Peter Assenberg Patrick Bacon (2001)
Peter Bakker (1990) Mirja Baneke (1991)
Patricia Bannier (1992) Peter van der Beek (1985)
Frits Beekman (1986) Hans de Beer (1989)
Caroline Beijdorff (1990) Sybrand van Beijma (1998)
Ymke van den Berg (1996) Martine van den Berg (1991)
Guus van den Berg (1988) Imke Berger (1997)
Annemarie van Biemen (1994) Jacoline Bijlsma (1984)
Thom Bogaard (1987) Paul Bogaard (1990)
Michiel Bontenbal (1995) Hilbrand Boschma (1982)
Laurens Bouwer (1995) Joost Brandsma (1998)
Seger van den Brenk (1986) Jop Brijker (1996)
Wouter Brokx (1993) Ellen de Bruijn (2001)
Ilja Calvelage (1994) Suzanne Castelein (1988)
Arthur Coevert (1994) Maarten Corver (2000)
Anouk Creusen (1995) Elske van Dalfsen (1995)
Gert Dekker (1989) Joos Dekkers (2000)
Marlies Dekkers (1988) Jerry van Dijk (1994)
Noortje Dijkstra (2003) Annemieke van Doorn (1997)
Arjan van Doorn (1988) Sonja Döpp (2001)
Larissa Drysdale (1990) Mimi Eelman (1992)
Nienke Eernisse (1986) Ernst Eisma (1994)
Wybrand van Ellen (1982) Ferdi van Engelen (1985)
Gilles Erkens (1998) Sietse van Erve (1998)
Bas van der Es (1988) Arnout-Jan Everts (1985)
Eelco Felser (1991) Willem Flierman (1992)
Jurgen Foeken (1992) Roland Frederiks (1997)
Arnoud Frumau (1986) Ton Garritsen (1981)
Jelle de Gier (1998) Laura Glasbergen (2004)
Hazel Goedhart (1998) Eveline de Graaff (1996)
Han-Willem Grobbe (1983) Boris Webbers (2001)
Mirek Groen (2002) Malika Gronloh (1992)
Karlijn de Groot (2001) Ceciel van der Gulik (1989)
Gisela de Haas (1989) Lizzy Hagen (1991)
Judith van Hagen (2002) Marinus den Hartogh (2003)
Jan Hartsink (1984) Jeffrey Haspels (1991)
Marit Heideman (1994) Bart Hendriks (1992)
Dimmie Hendriks (1997) Michel Hensens (1987)
Gijs Hillenius (1986) Jasper van der Hoef (1990)
Thomas Holmes (1998) Peter Holswilder (1984)
Merel Hoogmoed (2001) Arno Hooijboer (1993)
Dina Hooijkaas (1998) Florian ten Horn (2001)
Jippes Huibregtse (1991) Yvette Huigen (1991)
Marjel Janssen (1986) Hielke Jelsma (1984)
Alastair John (1993) Timothy John (1996)
Lieke de Jong (2002) Simone de Jong (1999)
Robert de Jonge (1983) Theo Jongewaard (1989)
Marike Jungerius (1989) Ilse Kamerling (2002)
Lorien Kater (1990) Saskia Keesstra (1992)
Josine Kelling (1988) Arjo Kemink (1989)
Jop Klaver (2004)  Richard Klein (1987)
Annemieke van der Klis (1992)  Martin Koelman (2000)
Auke Kok (1996)  Maartje Koning (1996)
Marije van Koolwijk (1993)  Eric Koomen (1986)
Paul van Kooperen (1978)  Anita Kos (1988)
Amber Kreleger (1995)  Thomas Kruijer (2004)
Rink Kruk (1993)  Vitek Kuhnel (1978)
Mark de Kuster (2000) Jorrit Lammers (1993)
Cees van der Land (1999)  Xavier van Lanen (1998)
Anco Lankreijer (1985)  Ralph Lasage (1996)
Ronnie Lassche (1986)  Maarten Lechner (1984)
Kees de Leeuw (1986)  Karen Leever (1997)
Mirthe Leliveld (1997)  Niels Lenderink (1990)
Hans Leuvering (1996)  Douwe van Leverink (2000)
Aline te Linde (1995)  Gideon Lopes Cardozo (1995)
Stef Louwers (1983)  Jeroen van der Lubbe (2000)
Hilde Ludwig (1993)  Sophia Luijendijk (2003)
Christine Mak (1981)  Martijn Mars (1988)
Rick van der Meer (1984)  Michael van der Meer (1981)
 Peter Meijer (1991)  Sandra Merten (1998)
 Furu Mienis (1998)  Anne van Mierlo (1993)
 Hans de Moel (2000)  Joanne Mol (1986)
 Jos Mol (1985)  Jos de Moor (1994)
 Margrit Muskens (1992)  Jeroen Nagtegaal (1987)
 Nora Neeleman (1996)  Carine Nieman (1982)
 Philip Nienhuis (1981)  Marije Nieuwendijk (1994)
 Muriel Niewold (1984)  Mathieu Nijenhuis (1996)
 Arjen Oord (1996)  Aaike van Oord (1999)
 Kevin Ooteman (1996)  Harald Opdam (1987)
 Wouter Ordelman (1991)  Janneke Ottens (1982)
 Maarten Papo (1998)  Robert Parinussa (2005)
 Harald Pater (1996)  Ineke Peeters (1995)
 Judith Peeters (1991)  Jacques Peeters (1995)
 Steven Pitka (1989)  Irene Pleizier (1998)
 Hedwig van der Pol (1997)  Jan van Poppel (1990)
 Erhard Pots (1996)  Alexander Prick (2000)
 Marc Reijnders (1987)  Jessica Reker (1990)
 Willinda Rhebergen (1993)  Christiaan Rieffe (1989)
 Sacha de Rijk (1984)  Roeland Roeterdink (1993)
 Lonneke Rovers (1992)  Hans de Ruiter (1977)
 Stefan Sariowan (1989)  Jeroen Schokker (1993)
 Tim van der Schriek (1993)  Anne Schulp (1993)
 Leontine de Senerpont Domis (1995)  Lesley Smit (1996)
 Jonna Snoek (1997)  Thijs van Soest (1990)
 Alouske Spaanderman (1977)  Sigrun Spaans (1981)
 Guido Spanjaard (1999)  Ingrid Spillekom (1994)
 Charlotte Spliethoff (2001)  Marleen Stam (1990)
 Paloma Stam (1989)  Margo Steehouwer (1992)
 Barbara Steffelaar (1985)  Rene Sterk (1996)
 Petra Stolk (1994)  Karin Stone (1990)
 Vincent Stork (1993)  Paul Timmerman (1985)
 Rinke Timmerman (1993)  Iris Verhagen (2003)
 Philip Verhagen (1984)  Michiel Verhoef (1991)
 Pieter Verschragen (1980)  Klaas Verwer (1998)
 Arjan van Vliet (1995)  Sander Vlotman (1993)
 Dennis Voeten (2000)  Bart de Vries (2000)
 Berend Vrouwe (2001)  Natasja Vugts (1987)
 Jakko van Waarde (1987)  Erik Wanningen (2000)
 Hein-Jakob Wasser (1981)  Roy Boots (2005)
 Ruben Weeda (2002)  Johan Weijers (1997)
 Marcel Welie (1991)  Els van Wenum (1979)
 Frank Wesselingh (1988)  Bart Wickel (1992)
 Ane Wiersma (1997)  Marlies Wijckerheld Bisdom (1981)
 Mechteld Wisse (1989)  Jos Wit (2000)
 Diana Woei Tioen Kie (1984)  Peter Wouters (1981)
 Wouter Wuite (1989)  Matthias Zeeman (1996)
 Irene Zeldenrust (1995)  Leo Zijerveld (1985)
 Jasper Zoethout (2000)  Jonathan Zwaan (1992)
Edine Bakker (2006) Merijn Bas (2007)
Erik-Jan van den Berg (2006) Nadja den Besten (2008)
Tesse Bijleveld (2007) Suzanne Hessels (2009)
Kevin Buijs (2008) Xante Duivenbode (2009)
Koen Eggen Joost le Febre
Thomas van Gerve (2008) Maarten Huijgen (2007)
Leonie Kiewiet (2009) Nick van Klaveren (2008)
Anne Kleene (2006) Joas van der Laan (2006)
Matthijs Bloem (2009) Robin du Mée (2006)
Aafke Mertens (2006) Govert ter Mors (2010)
Marleen Mulder (2008) Eisse van den Oever (2008)
Jarmo Pietersen (2006) Thomas Oudega (2008)
Maarten Plug (2006) Sjef Rijnaarts (2006)
Evelien Rost (2007) Jesper van Schilt (2006)
Jennifer Stroo (2007) Inja Thijssen (2007)
Nanne Tolsma (2008) Bertram Uunk (2007)
Stef Verdonk (2007) Hilbert Weemstra (2007)
Wieske Wentink (2005) Hugo Wester (2005)
Isis van Wetten (2007) Marcel Wijnands/Vince Hulskemper (2006)
Michael Willig (2008) Jesper van Schilt (2006)
Evy Kalker (2009) Sietze de Graaff (2009)
Bram Wassenaar (2009) Max Jansen (2009)
Pim Kaskes (2009) Heleen Vos (2010)
Eva van der Voet (2010) Wilmer Roest (2010)
Sjoerd Robertson (2010) Puck van der Linden (2011)
Carlette Blok (2010) Alexander Kok (2009)
Rosa Pols (2010) Bas van der Velden (2010)
Tim Grandjean (2011) Jessie Rodermans (2011)
Lisa van Mens (2011) Vincent Schinkel (2011)
Lara Borst (2012) Ellen Schulten (2010)
Max Holthuis (2011) Claudia Tóth (2011)
Lisanne van Huijstee (2010) Reinier van ‘t Veer (2010)
Jonathan Kranenburg (2011) Max de Kruijf (2011)
Willemijn van Leeuwen (2012) Maarten van Diepen (2012)
Lennart Querelle (2011) Fenneke van de Poll (2013)
Anne Pronk (2012) Frédéric van Vessem (2010)
Rosa de Boer (2011) Oeki Verhage (2012)
Lisa Hageman (2011) Rosa Verheij (2013)
Jorrit van der Schot (2013) Iris van Essen (2013)
Hobie van Zadelhoff (2013) Evalien van der Valk (2013)
Evelien Brand (2014) Yusuf Erol (2014)
Maarten Sol (2015) Robin Wimmers(2013)
Hannes Groot (2010) Hugo Koopman (2014)
Jesper Volmer (2013) Oscar Kloostra (2015)
Annelotte Weert (2013) Martijn Mineur (2013)
Priscilla Bosma (2015) Emma Knecht (2015)
Sebastian Mulder (2013) Marjolein Daeter (2015)
Coen van Eijbergen (2014) Ayra Goede (2015)
Patrick Smit (2015) Jasper Bosschaart (2014)
Anna Pals (2013) Paul Snijder (2015)
Gianni Jesterhoudt (2009) Wim Keja (2015)
Teun Beemster (2012) Iris van der Werf (2013)
Naomi Lamers (2014) Riemer Stelwagen (2012)
Welmoed Lauwerier (2015) Rosanne Huybens (2014)
Sofie Bosmans (2013) Thomas Kuijt (2015)
Tijmen Opsomer (2012) Marion Kroon (2017)
