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Route description

For the studentroom (Houtzagerij in den Koele Blonde) go through the entrance 1085, take the swinging doors right from the elevators and turn right. The studentroom is the first room on your right hand side (F-045).

For the boardroom (M-138) take entrance 1085. Take the stairs to the first floor and go left. After about 20 metres you will find the boardroom on the right hand side.

If you come to give a lecture, a GeoFlex member often arranges to meet you at the entrance 1085. The lectures are mostly held in room F-123, in the F-hall, on the first floor. If you want to walk there yourself, do as follows: take entrance 1085, take the stairs or elevator to the first floor, and walk through the swinging doors opposite to the windows and then turn right into the F-hall. Room F-123 is the last room at your right hand side.
